Project Schedule

    I have developed a timeline for the short film I plan to create. The process began this week, and the full project is to be completed in the middle of April. Here it is:

Week one
  • Choose project genre(short film)
  • Brainstorm narrative of said short film
  • Research genre
  • blog(2)
Week two
  • Cont. Brainstorm narrative(finalize?)
  • Cont. researching genre
  • blog(4)
Week three
  • IF NOT DONE: Finalize narrative this week
  • Begin developing a script
  • Think about technical elements of piece(look into microphones, editing, etc.)
  • Think location, time, actors, wardrobe
  • blog(4)
Week four
  • Begin storyboarding
  • Find actors 
  • Buy necessary tech for production(based on week 3)
  • IF actors found, develop a filming schedule
  • blog(4)
Week five
  • if not complete, finalize storyboarding and script
  • Film
  • blog(4)
Week six
  • IF NOT DONE: continue filming(reshoots?)
  • Begin editing
  • blog(4)
Week seven
  • Continue editing
  • blog(3)
Week eight
  • IF NOT DONE: finish editing
  • Research ccr
  • Begin ccr
  • blog(3)
Week nine
  • Finalize ccr
  • Make sure all elements are exported and prepared BEFORE Week 10
  • blog(3)
Week ten
  • Post final drafts of everything to blog/youtube
  • Reflection post
    In my roadmap, I believe I have given myself a sufficient amount of time to brainstorm and flesh out my ideas to their greatest heights. I feel like the initial creative process usually ends up being slightly harder than the actual execution for me, so giving myself three weeks to really sit on ideas for a narrative will work well in my favor. I usually binge edit for projects I need to edit and end up finishing them in roughly two or three very painful days, but given that this project is much more important and is foreseeably a video with a longer duration, I am going to give myself 2-3 weeks for it. The time I allowed myself for my CCR is pretty limited as a result, but I predict it will be the easiest component of my entire project so I am in no way worried about time. In general, I doubt that there is too much that will change in my schedule while it's working itself out; I feel I have much more time to flesh out certain aspects of my project this time around. 

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