Now that I have made it to the finish line, I can't help but look back and reflect on the journey. I managed my time pretty horribly, but I did get everything done the way I wanted it to by the end, and I am pretty proud of the final product. Shots I didn't like and lighting that bothered me didn't quite end up being major issues once the editing came around, as those things were less bothersome once all of my footage became an actual narrative. I'm always so mesmerized when I see all of my clips amalgamate into one realized story.
If I were to do this any differently, I would probably have updated my social media much more and (as aforementioned) managed my time better. Even though I have a social media that does what it needs to in regards to building the idea that the perspective of all the posts is from the media-oriented character of the piece, I would have liked to build on it more and posted more regardless. I wish I filmed earlier because not having anything to work with prohibited me from making the progress I desperately wanted around 3/4 into this process(building on that social media and editing earlier.)
I am so insanely pleased to be able to say that I am finally done with this production; it became one of the more stressful things I have ever done in my life but putting as much thought and effort into it as I did made it all the more fulfilling once I was able to look back on it.
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